Tuesday 30 March 2010

March 30 2010

I'm going to have another go at getting speech to work. There's not much else I can do as it`s tipping down, I went to see my daughter at the weekend we had a lovely time. She lives in southsea, it said 3 hour journey if there is no delays which there wasn't.
I wish she lived nearer!

Wednesday 3 March 2010

3rd of March, 2010

I just got back from my local library, I borrowed 12 books. What a wonderful idea libraries are the wonder who thought of them .I then had a walk around Newton Abbot where there is a local cattle market taking place, I listened to all the animals in distress and felt really glad that I don't eat meat.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

2nd of March 2010

Another lovely day, there is a lot of signs of spring now. The birds are already beginning to build nests I hope they don't regret it.